Spikes stared into her reflection in the bathroom mirror and inhaled deeply.
“You got this.” she whispered to herself, doing her best to stop her limbs from shaking.
“C’mon Spikes it’s your best friend, you can do this.”
She exhaled slowly before letting her eyes meet her own.
“Well...here goes nothing.”
She exited her bathroom and made her way to the living room where she found the cat snuggled up next to Takado on the couch.
“Hey guys.” Spikes spoke calmly as she entered the room.
“Hey! You left your cave!” Kitty giggled as she sat up, smiling at the canine.
“Yeah, been working on a new piece since I have a bit of down time from The Den.”
“Down time?” Takado asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Why do you suddenly have down time?”
“Well after five years, I finally have an established business, I can actually take days off and the place not crash and burn.” she laughed as she stuck her tongue out at her brother.
“Anyway, I need to steal your bride to be for a bit.”
She watched her brother’s face slightly contort for a moment and his eyes narrowed.
“Okay!” Kitty chimed in happily stopping the stare down between the two canines.
“Tako you worry too much.”
She smiled before letting her lips meet her mates.
“Yeah, calm down, I’ll bring her back in a bit.” Spikes said reassuringly getting another raised eyebrow from her brother.
She suppressed the low growl forming in her chest as she met eyes with him, not understanding his irrational behavior. Kitty turned slightly to face Spikes, seeing the canines struggle to contain her anger.
“C’mon Spikes lets go!” she announced quickly linking arms with the slightly shorter girl. Spikes’ eyes widened for a moment before smiling and trotting off to her room with the feline close.
“Thanks for the save back there.” Spikes sighed as she closed the door behind her.
“No problem.” Kitty responded happily. She paused for a moment debating bringing up the question in mind, not wanting to push the dogs buttons.
“I don’t know what his deal is if that’s what you’re trying to get at.” Spikes spun around and sat next to her best friend, trying to calm her nerves.
“I- I think he’s just worried.” Kitty said softly.
“Yeah...” Spikes sighed, running her hand through her hair.
“I don’t see why though...”
Kitty furrowed her brows with concern as she watched the canine try to keep a happy face.
“Well..you weren’t always our top supporter...”
“Yeah at the beginning, but that was five years ago, Kitty. I mean I was the first person he told about planning to propose.
I made sure that boy did something special for my best friend.”she smiled winking at the cat who looked bewildered.
“Takado asked me for advice, and you both have my full support Kitty.” her face softened as she let her hand rest on the cat’s.
Kitty’s eyes began to water as she smiled and let her shoulders relax.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that.” relief in her voice.
Spikes tilted her head slightly and smiled before standing.
“That’s actually why I wanted to talk to you Kitty.”
“What do you mean?” her curiosity taking over as she watched Spikes rummage through her dresser drawer.
“There it is!” she barked happily as she spun around with a grin on her face holding a small mahogany box.
“What is it?” Kitty questioned, eyes wide and fixated on the box.
“Well...I wanted to give you this...” Spikes answered softly as she placed the box in front of Kitty on the bed.
She sat down next to her, trying to contain her excitement as she watched the can open the box and pull out a small silver bracelet.
"Spikes...this is beautiful!” Kitty exclaimed as she admired the the bracelet in her hand.
“Did you buy this just for me?”
“No, but I wanted it to be your something borrowed.” she responded shyly as she tried to hide the flush in her cheeks.
“It’s..It’s the only thing I have from my mother.”
Kitty stopped for a moment, staring at the hound, eyes starting to water.
“Well, Takado said it was our mother’s and that it’s been passed down through the women of our family. A gift given to each female on their first birthday.”
Her voice trailed trying to avoid the felines intense stare.
“Spikes...are you sure.” Kitty asked hesitantly.
“This is something so important to you... Why would you let me borrow it?"
Spikes paused in awe, thinking of how to word what she felt.
“Kitty, you’re my best friend, you’re marrying my brother. I only wish our mother was alive to see this; I’m sure she would be so happy to have you as a part of our small family.
And this is the closest thing I have to her. I’m sure she would want you to have it as your something borrowed for your and Takado’s wedding.” she looked up, smiling weakly.
She was truly happy for the two, after all they had been through they deserved to have their happily ever after.
The thought was cliche, but it was the truth.
Kitty quickly wrapped her arms around the dog’s neck, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Thank you Spikes.” Kitty spoke between tears, keeping her grip on the wide eyed canine. Spikes let her shoulders relax and hugged her back.
“Don’t thank me Kitty, its what family does.” she smiled releasing the hug. She raised her hand softly wiping the tears off of the felines cheek,
“After all, I’ve always thought of you as a sister, how cool is it that now you’re going to be my sister-in-law.”
Kitty nodded happily before putting the bracelet back in the box.
“Okay, I think I’ve kept you from him long enough, I expect him to come crashing through my wall any minute.” she giggled as she stood up. She was stopped by the feline grabbing her arm.
“Hey Spikes...”
“Yeah?” Spikes questioned quickly as she spun around.
“You...I know you’re happy for us, and I can see it; so please don’t try so hard to prove it to Takado.
He loves you, we both love you, and we know you support us.
So just, be yourself, okay?” she smiled reaching up to pat the dog on the head.
So just, be yourself, okay?” she smiled reaching up to pat the dog on the head.
Spikes paused for a moment, as she watched Kitty leave her room, taking the time to analyze what she had said.
“Yeah...be myself.” she whispered aloud once the cat was gone.
“But that’s not always what you guys really want.”
“But that’s not always what you guys really want.”
Kitty whimpered softly, resting her head on Takado’s lap. Takado smiled, gently stroking her hair while Kitty rubbed her temples.
“I love you, but let’s never get married again, okay?” Kitty whined. She climbed onto his lap, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Is planning out the wedding really that awful?” Takado chuckled, instantly regretting it as he was met with his fiancee’s glare.
“Yes it is really that awful.” Kitty groaned.
"The florist I wanted isn’t open the day we’re getting married. I still don’t know if we’re getting a band or a DJ.
I still have to go in for a final fitting on my dress. I have to call everyone I haven’t gotten a RSVP from yet to confirm if they’re coming or not because I have to give the caterer an exact by tomorrow-”
Takado ended her seemingly endless rant, softly meeting his lips to hers. Kitty inhaled deeply and lay her head back down against Takado’s shoulder.
“What can I do to help?” Takado asked, running a hand through her hair.
“Takado no, I don’t want to bother you with this.” Kitty pulled away from him frowning.
“There’s so many specifics and details, and no offense Tako, but that’s not exactly your strong suit.”
Takado frowned before leaning over to kiss her cheek.
“I want to help Kitty-Kat.”
Kitty bit her lip, glancing at the ground and fidgeting with her hands in her lap.
“There’s one thing I guess.”
“Whatever it is I’ll do it.” Takado grinned, kissing her cheek once more.
“If you could call the people who haven’t contacted me to RSVP that would be a huge help.” Kitty smiled weakly at him.
“There’s a small issue though.”
“What is it?”
“One of the people I need you to get a hold of is David.” Kitty held her breath as she watched his response.
He rolled his eyes smiling gently as he stood from the bed.
“We’re long past all of that Kitty. I’m not going to do anything to the poor guy.”
Kitty’s shoulders relaxed slightly. She leaned back on the bed, twirling a strand of hair in her hand.
“I just worry, Tako.”
“Do you trust me?” Takado asked. He leaned over her, brushing hair away from her face.
“Of course.”
“The trust me when I say everything will be fine, Love.” Takado met his lips to hers before straightening himself.
“Hell, I’ll even invite him to my bachelor party next week.”
Kitty stuck out her lower lip, fixing her fiance with a glare.
“Yeah nothing like bonding over strippers.”
“Kitty, I already told you there won’t be strippers. It’s just me and the boys going to play pool.” Takado chuckled lightly, sitting at the bed’s edge to pull his shoes on.
“What if they try to be ‘nice’ and surprise you?” Kitty whined. She crawled to the bed’s edge and rest her forehead against Takado’s back.
Takado sighed heavily, pulling Kitty onto his lap.
“Do you trust our friends that little?”
“No.” Kitty groaned loudly, kissing his forehead.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Kitty, I am more than happy to help you with anything you might possibly need.” Takado took her hand in his, lightly kissing her knuckles.
“I think this is the least I can do for my own wedding.”
“I love you Tako.” Kitty smiled, kissing him gently before climbing out of his lap.
“I love you too Kitty-Kat.” Takado stood from the bed and made his way to the door.
“And while I’m out try to think of some more stuff for me to help with okay?”
Kitty giggled and nodded as he stepped out the door.
Takado sighed heavily and leaned against the wall.
David was a challenge he wasn’t sure he was as prepared to deal with as he’d said, but there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his fiancee.
He pushed off of the wall and headed for the living room door.
Might as well get this over with.
Takado was certain his scowl would be etched on his face for all eternity as he stepped down the hall towards David’s apartment.
He’d agreed to confirm everyone’s arrival, which was fine except David was the only one who hadn’t answered his phone.
Takado didn’t care much for his response, but he knew Kitty needed a confirmed yes or no.
He took a moment, inhaling deeply as he tried to relax his features before knocking on the door.
“Well you’re the second to last person I ever expected to see here.” David’s laugh was hollow as he opened the door, gesturing for Takado to step inside.
The apartment reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.
“What do you want Takado.”
It was a challenge not a question. Takado bit the inside of his lip, tasting copper before he relaxed enough to talk.
“Kitty needs an exact number of everyone who’s going to be at the wedding.” Takado responded.
He stayed quiet for a moment, hoping that would be all he needed to say, groaning when David didn’t respond.
“You didn’t contact her, so I need a confirmed yes or no.”
David stayed quiet, walking past Takado. He stood by a window for a moment before sitting on the couch.
“Yeah. I’ll be there.”
“Okay great. I’ll let her know. Hey and if you’re not doing anything next week-”
“I mean it is my last chance to steal her from you, isn’t it?”
Takado’s blood felt cold as ice as he turned to face David. His eyes burning as a low snarl escaped his lips.
David glanced up at him through hazy eyes, a sloppy grin on his face as he spoke.
“It’s much easier to stop a wedding than push a divorce, don’t you think?”
“There is nothing you could do to take her from me.” Takado inhaled deeply.
Forcing himself to keep calm was something he had never been particularly good at.
“No. I guess you’re right.” David sighed.
“I should have started planning the moment you two got engaged back in November. Instead I sat around moping, and now it’s July and the wedding is upon us.”
Takado sighed, taking a step back. He watched David cautiously before making his way to the door.
“No, the best I could do now is ruin the wedding.”
“That’s enough.” Takado growled. He grabbed David by the back of the neck and threw him at a wall.
“You do anything to ruin this for her David and I swear I will break every bone in your goddamn body.”
Takado walked over to where David sat slumped against the wall. He lifted him by the front of the shirt, pinning him against the wall.
“Let’s be clear you pathetic human piece of shit.” Takado’s grip on David’s shirt tightened.
“I’d kill you if it were up to me. I have killed bigger, more important, and stronger than you. Kitty is the only reason you continue to breathe.”
“She won’t let you kill me because she loves me, Deep down she still loves me.” David laughed.
He didn’t bother to try to defend himself. He hung against his wall, held up by Takado and didn’t bother to struggle in the slightest. He knew Kitty wouldn’t let Takado hurt him.
Not again.
Takado snarled, dropping him back onto the floor.
“She won’t let me kill you, because she doesn’t want your parents to come into town to look into your death.”
David blinked, for a second seeming as if sober thought had returned to him.
Takado ignored him and made his way out of the apartment.
He couldn’t tell David the truth about his parents. Kitty had begged him never to speak of it when she’d finally told him the whole story years ago.
“What did you mean, Takado?” David shouted as he ran down the hall after him.
Takado ignored him, aiming for the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator and allowing David to catch up to him. Takado glanced over his shoulder for a moment, catching a glimpse of the desperation in David’s eyes as he raced to catch up.
“Tell me what the fuck you meant by that, Takado.” David screamed, his voice echoing as he entered the staircase.
“I’ll ruin everything Takado. I’ll rush up to the altar and kiss her in your stead, you know what maybe I’ll even have my way with her right then and there!”
David was trying desperately to get a rise out of Takado. He was lying. He’d say anything to aggravate Takado. Anything to get Takado to answer him.
Takado knew it.
And it worked anyways.
And it worked anyways.
Takado quickly stepped back up the stairs to David. He grabbed David by the throat, pushing him against the staircase's railing.
“You heard me.” David grinned with satisfaction.
“I’ll fuck her right then and there with or without her permission unless you answer me.”
It took every ounce of self control Takado possessed not to crush David’s throat in his hand, not to toss him over the railing and let him fall to his death.
“You are pathetic.” Takado tossed him aside, his body falling limply against the staircase. Takado was breathing heavily, forcing himself to step away from David.
“The reason I can’t kill you, is the same reason she’ll never love you.”
“And what’s that?” David spat at him. He struggled to sit up from where he lay on the stairs.
“Your parents murdered her father.” Takado grinned as he watched David’s face contort with agony and horror.
Kitty would be furious when she found out, but all Takado cared about was finally putting David in his place. Finally robbing him of his illusion of a life with Kitty.
“You’re a liar.” David choked out.
Takado’s grin only widened.
“Am I? Do you remember what she asked you to do so that she would give your friendship a chance?”
“Not to tell my parents that I had found her…” David’s eyes widened in horror.
“No. No they wouldn’t. We were neighbors. We had dinner together, spent holidays together. My mom and dad… they’re good people… they would never-”
“You parents are hunters.” Takado crouched down my David’s face, brushing a strand of hair from his sweat drenched forehead.
“They murdered Curtis, and tried to kill Kitty. She got away only due to her father sacrificing his own life.”
“No...” David whispered.
Tears welled in his eyes as he stared at Takado.
“Yep, and it was all thanks to you. All because you told them Kitty wasn’t human.” Takado stood up, brushing off his hands as he continued down the steps.
His laugh was cruel as he cast one last glance at David laying on the steps, forcing back tears.
“I’ll see you at the wedding David.”
“Hey, you holding up okay?” Vincent’s calm voice broke Spikes’ focus on the trees blurring as they drove past them.
“Hm? Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She responded softly, keeping her eyes fixed outside as they made their way home.
“You seemed overly enthusiastic tonight.” Spikes furrowed her brows as she turned to look at him.
“And that means something is wrong?” She questioned chuckling.
“Nothing, you did a really good job showing your support.” He reached his hand over to rest it on her leg.
“But, to me at least, it seemed like you were trying really hard.”
Spikes sighed and rubbed his hand with her thumb.
“You really do know me better than anyone else.” she inhaled slowly, gathering her thoughts as she looked over at her mate.
“These things are just exhausting for me, the flowers, the decor, the dresses. Where you have to stand, who says what; all of it; it’s exhausting.”
“And you aren’t even the one getting married.” Vincent chuckled as he pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car quickly, trotting over to open Spikes’ door.
“My lady.” he said almost sarcastically as he held his hand out to help her out of the car.
"Oh why thank you good sir.” she giggled, grabbing his hand.
They made their way into the empty house, quickly greeted by their hounds. Spikes crouched down, giggling as she was bombarded with licks and dog breath.
Vince smiled softly as he watch his mate interact with them, despite the dress and heels she had been in all night.
She was on the ground playing with them as she would her own pups.
He couldn't help but feel at ease as he watched her in her most primal nature, he could see her in her true form though she still wore a human face.
She was on the ground playing with them as she would her own pups.
He couldn't help but feel at ease as he watched her in her most primal nature, he could see her in her true form though she still wore a human face.
“You are so beautiful.” he spoke his thoughts aloud, crouching down next to her as Mystic quickly nuzzled under his chin.
“You will make an amazing mother one day.”
Spikes snapped her head to look at him wide eyed, then quickly burst into a fit of laughter.
“Right, me, a mother.” she continued laughing as she stood up and walked to their room.
“Yes, you a mother.” Vince retorted as he followed her to their room, shutting the door behind him after the dogs passed him.
“I think you may have had a bit too much to drink tonight, Love.” Spikes chuckled as she let her dress fall to the ground and searched for her pajama pants.
“I didn’t drink tonight Spikes, you know I don’t drink if I’m driving.” he responded, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
“Vince, I was just kidding, you are a responsible man; you would never jeopardize my safety like that.” she lightly placed her hand on his cheek, reaching up to kiss his nose.
“It’s one of the many qualities I love about you. But, you have to be crazy to think I would be a good mother.” she paused and giggled slightly.
“Well it’s clear you are a little bit crazy to love my psychotic ass.”
She twirled around shaking her behind like she would a tail as she shed the remaining clothing she had on. Vince eyed her with an arched eyebrow as she put on a sports bra and a pair of his boxers.
“I told you we should have done our laundry yesterday.” he laughed as he took off his suit.
“See! I’m super lazy and can’t even keep up with laundry, thus proving my point that I am not mother material.” she laughed sticking her tongue out at him before jumping into bed.
“Now hurry up and get over here and cuddle with me!”
“That’s fine, I can do the laundry then.” he chuckled as he crawled into bed wrapping his arms around her.
“I just can’t imagine us being married one day and not having a at least one child.”
“Right, marriage...” Spikes mumbled.
“What do you mean by that.” Vince asked abruptly, sitting up to look at her.
“Well, I really don’t want to get married Vince.” her voice starting to shake.
“Do you not see a future with me?”
“No! That’s not it all! Vince I want nothing more than to share my life with you, for however long I live. We pretty much have an eternity together.” her voice started to trail.
“Then why not get married?” she could sense the hurt and anger in his voice though he tried to hide it.
“Because, I don’t see the point in a piece of paper showing that we are committed to one another. We don’t need it for insurance purposes, we both have great plans and have stable form of income-”
“We don’t need to have a license, why not just a ceremony then?”
“It’s a huge waste of money Vince.” she was starting to get frustrated at the topic she had hoped to never discuss.
“As you said Spikes, we both have stable income, it wouldn’t be a waste.”
“But it would! Why do I want to spend a bunch of money on a dress I’m only going to wear once? Or a one time event?
Catering, DJ, bridesmaids dresses, tuxes, flowers, invitations, the list goes on.
I don’t see why we have to have this huge event to show everyone that we love each other.” she paused as she looked into his saddened eyes, she could see he was fighting back tears as she spoke.
Her own eyes starting to water as she looked away.
“Vince, I love you, I love you more than I have loved anyone else or ever will. You are my world, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you; isn’t that enough?”
“I guess it has to be.” he sighed as he laid back down and rolled onto his side away from her.
“I love you...” her voice was hoarse as she waited for his response, but all she received was silence.
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