My heart breaks as I type what I've been dreading to do for so long. I thought I could continue as if nothing had happened, as if things were and would always be the same. I started this story when I was 12 years old with my best friend. We were blessed with 12 years of friendship and creating together, but that time is at it's end.
Still fairly recent was it that we had a falling out and the chapter of our friendship came to a close. I've taken some time to grieve, to heal, and to reevaluate what I want.
I want to continue this story, but to continue this one without the second creative mind that spawned it honestly would be wrong. Though I know there would be arguments both for and against this decision. Arguments that I cared more or put more time in. Arguments she did as much as she could with what she had available. Arguments that I was controlling, and needed things to go my way. All arguments that could be made have, and all have some validity honestly.

It died a while ago now, but today is the official announcement for it. Today Scars-TS3 dies with the friendship that created it.
However that being said, I love this story and these characters too much to ever let them go. I can't bear it. So with the death of Scars-TS3 is the birth of something new. Something similar in origin but who knows where the results will take us.
Today marks the start of Scars Legacy.
The same characters you know and love, some similar plot points and all new sides to characters as well as new characters at all. Out of the ashes of my previous friendship, partnership and story will be born something new. Something better. I hope everyone sticks around and enjoys what I can create without any limitations, without restrictions, without the strange jump around perspective that was previously held. Today marks something new. I can't wait to show you all the potential I have always seen in these characters that I have cherished for 13 years.
Thank you all for your support, and I hope to see you all soon and hope you enjoy the new form this story takes!!
Signing off, for the last time
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